When women come to me for money coaching, they are often shocked by what I don’t tell them to do.
If you are struggling with your finances or lacking a clear plan, the default solution is to restrict, trim, eliminate, and benchmark. There’s a long list of “musts” to follow if you want to get out of your financial hole or on the path to a secure future.
These “musts” do indeed produce results. But are they sustainable and do they allow you to live your best life? If your gut has a negative reaction to these “musts”, then they aren’t for you.
And I know this because I’ve tried them all. Feeling like I was restricted in any way made me revolt. Sure, sometimes I’d stick to my strict spending plan, and my cash flow would improve. But after a few weeks, I’d make one excess purchase, feel like a failure, and abandon the whole thing.
I can’t tell you how many money courses I completed and how many times the tactical steps failed for me. In fact, tt took years to discover that there was a better way. One that allowed me to bask in financial
bliss while working diligently towards my money goals. And about those goals? They were the
unique output of a grandiose vision for my life, not some outdated rules of thumb.
Here’s the approach I take:
The default solution produces quick results, but my solution creates a lasting transformation.
This three-phase, 15 module program is designed to help women rebuild their relationships
with money, surface amazing visions for their lives, and create meaningful financial goals.
Why is it the best money course for women? Because it isn’t a Finance 101 style course. There
are a million of those. Wealth Begins Within is truly a transformative experience that couples
the inner work of money (resetting the mindset) with the outer, tactical work (financial
planning fundamentals).
Wealth Begins Within is for you if you’re a woman:
If that’s you, hear this:
You can live abundantly today, regardless of your income and financial resources.
You deserve to have goals that align with the vision for your life now and in the distant future.
You don’t have to sacrifice your joy today for the promise of happiness 30+ years from now.
And Wealth Begins Within will help you realize this, internally and externally. I promise. In fact, once you complete this course you will experience abundance now, understand how your thoughts have led your away from it, and have a renewed level of optimism about your life. Tactically, mindful spending will replace your budget and a crystal clear vision for your life will be your new NorthStar. Managing your money will be an activity you look forward to because you’ll have detailed goals, a comprehensive roadmap to achieve them, and an effortless system to sustain progress.
*Payment plans and coaching add-ons are available too.
Learn more about my money story here.
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