Jenny is a former, award-winning Chief Financial Officer for several startup companies. She holds a bachelor's degree in Accounting from Virginia Tech, an MBA from George Washington University, and an Executive Certificate in Financial Planning from Northwestern University.

She passed the Certified Financial Planner® exam in 2021 and now helps other women live abundantly as a money mindset and financial planning coach. 

wealth begins within

I believe

I grew up hearing a lot of confusing stories about money. My parents were never blessed with financial literacy, so neither was I.

My old limiting beliefs and misconceptions regarding money might sound familiar to you:  
  • I have to work HARD for money 
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees
  • I’m lucky if I have a good job and enough money to get by
  • Maybe one day my money ship will come in
  • Money is the root of all evil

Those money stories became my money beliefs, which had me making some pretty terrible financial decisions in my 20s. 

my story

You might be where I was back then:
  • Overwhelming student loan and credit card debt
  • No short-term savings to fall back on and living paycheck to paycheck
  • A 401k plan that I neither understood nor contributed to adequately
  • Stressed about money all the time with no one to turn to for guidance
  • Ashamed of my financial situation
  • Lacking a clear vision of my life and financial future

As the years went by and I climbed my way up the corporate ladder, my income continued to rise, but I still had little to show for it.  

my story


I was tired of working hard, yet feeling like I was just getting by. There had to be another way to live. I intuitively knew that if I really wanted things to change for me, it wasn’t just about making more money, but about changing my relationship with it. 

I read personal finance books and blogs and did my best to apply the tips and tricks, but it all felt piecemeal and I still wasn’t sure if wealth was in the cards for me.  

When my 30s rolled around, I found myself working for a self-made billionaire, and the quest to improve my financial outlook took a turn. I had never been exposed to someone that had both inner and outer wealth. 

It was through this exposure that I received the best financial education. I observed how they made financial decisions and managed their money, and then I applied those learnings to my situation.

my story



What I saw made me question the belief system I was taught and had held on to in my 20s:
  • They made mindful decisions about their spending
  • They spent lavishly on the experiences that brought them joy
  • They bought value, not things
  • They gave money away freely to the people they cared about
  • They took their time, shopped around, and negotiated 

The bottom line:
They weren’t just getting by; they were living abundantly – yet mindfully.

my story




With this newfound money revelation, I deepened my personal finance knowledge and explored the role mindfulness plays in living an abundant life.  

And then something happened…

I created a vision for my life and started making smarter financial decisions that aligned with the way I wanted to live, and my net worth grew exponentially.  

No more playing small or holding limiting money mindsets. Instead, I developed optimism and the belief that the world was full of possibilities
for me and my money. 

money meets mindfulness





Knowing that I didn’t have to settle for just getting by, I set a new life-changing goal: to be the first millionaire in my family tree.  My abundant mindset was contagious, and the young women I worked with took notice.  They started coming to me for financial advice. Because just like me, their parents didn't teach them financial literacy.  Plus, they trusted me over the so-called financial experts.

Their lack of basic money knowledge opened my eyes.  And my heart. 

Before I knew it, life had led me to my role as a money mentor for young women whose shoes I had once walked in.  And now it has led me to develop my signature program for living a blissful and abundant life: Wealth Begins Within.

money meets mindfulness