What would it be like to have complete control over your finances? To be in charge of where your money goes each month, and to know that it’s working for you? The first step to achieving this level of financial control is by mastering money management, a concept that is simple in theory but challenging […]
Everyone makes flawed financial decisions at some point. In my 20s, I unwittingly attempted to make every money mistake in the book. Sometimes I wasn’t even aware I was — like the time I used a credit card advance for the down payment on my condo! In other instances, like overspending, it was due to […]
Not sure what money coaching is all about? Forget the deprivation diets and rigid spreadsheets you’ve heard money gurus touting! Money management isn’t about punishment or restriction; it’s about empowerment, freedom, and living your most vibrant life. But let’s be honest, traditional financial advice often feels dry, impersonal, and disconnected from your deepest desires. That’s where I […]
Women and money – we’ve never had it better than we do right now. It might be hard to believe that statement, but it’s true. Picture this: you inherit a hefty sum from a dear relative. But wait, the year is 1850, and you’re a woman in the United States. That money, legally, isn’t yours. […]
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